規格: 2盎司/瓶
主要成分: 聖約翰草、卡瓦胡椒、透納樹葉、銀杏葉、歐白頭翁
建議用量: 請先混搖均勻再使用,一天2-4次,空腹時服用,每次1-2毫升。
保存方式: 冷藏保存
警語: 如果有服用到聖約翰草,請避免過多的陽光及紫外線曝曬,如有服用其他藥物,請服用前先諮詢專業醫療人員。不適合孕婦、哺乳女性。請放置孩童不易取得之處。
Package Quantity: 2 oz/bottle
Dosage and Use: Shake well before using. 1-2 mL for 2-4 times a day without meals.
WARNING: While taking St. John’s Wort, avoid excessive exposure to sunlight or UV light and seek expert medical advice before taking it with pharmaceutical drugs. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Keep away from children.
Rejoice always. Thessalonians 5:16