- 規格:90顆/瓶
- 建議用量:每餐開始時服用2顆膠囊,每日3次,或遵循專業醫師建議。
- 說明:Similase ®是一種全方位專利的混合消化酶,幫助消化所有類型的食物。
- * Similase有助於緩解消化不良、脹氣、及腹脹,並幫助消化,以協助從飲食獲得全面的營養吸收。
- Similase®是專利混合物的微生物酶,在胃腸道中的pH範圍內,都具有活性。
- 因此,Similase®可提供幫助碳水化合物、蛋白質、脂肪和纖維全方位消化。
- Package Quantity: 90 capsules/bottle
- Dosage and Use: Take 2 capsules at the beginning of each meal, up to 3 times daily, or as recommended by your healthcare professional.
- Description:Similase® is a comprehensive, proprietary blend of digestive enzymes to support the digestion of all food types.* Similase helps relieve occasional indigestion, gas and bloating and provides comprehensive support for digestion and assimilation of nutrients from the diet.
- Similase® is a proprietary blend of Microbial Enzymes that are active across a broad pH range in the gastrointestinal tract.* It provides a broader range of digestive enzymes.
- As a result, Similase provides support of carbohydrate, protein, fat and fiber digestion.