- 規格: 60顆/瓶
- 建議用量: 成人初期急性期2至3顆,之後每小時1至2顆,直到症狀緩解,最多可以吃到15顆。
- 預防用時,每次1至2顆,每日3次,或遵循專業醫師建議。
- 說明:小青龍湯是不含麻黃鹼的中草藥配方,添加數種濃縮草藥能夠增強效果,特別適合季節性呼吸系統保養。
- 源自中國傳統中藥的古代小藍龍配方,包含多種相輔相成的草藥,當身體對環境產生過敏反應時,傳統醫學經常使用這一個配方來協助免疫系統,可以有效紓緩鼻腔靜脈擴張、增加鼻腔黏膜彈性、及治療鼻竇炎。
- 小青龍湯配方採用濃縮萃取技術,比一般的草藥多了四倍療效,只需要少量就能達到良好的效果。
- Package Quantity: 60 capsules/bottle
- Dosage and Use: Adults: 2-3 capsules at first sign of acute symptoms, then 1-2 capsules every hour until symptoms are gone or a maximum of 15 capsules have been taken.
- For prevention, take 1-2 capsules three times daily, or as directed.
- Description:free Chinese herbal formula for seasonal respiratory support
- Based on the ancient Minor Blue Dragon formula from Traditional Chinese Medicine,
- AllerEze contains a complex of herbal materials that have been used in traditional medicine to balance the immune systems reaction to environmental agents and improve the resilience of the nasal sinuses.
- Karunas AllerEze contains no ephedrine and benefits from the addition of other herbs that enhance this uniquely effective formulation. AllerEze contains herbal extract concentrates that provide four times the activity of the raw, unconcentrated herb, requiring fewer capsules.