說明:固胃方為百分之百天然甘草精華(去甘草甜素),能快速舒緩胃不適,並有效的支援胃壁及腸道黏膜的修復,保護胃壁改善胃潰瘍與胃食道逆流,本產品利用萃取方式去除甘草甜素的甘草( 含量<1%),以避免血壓上升,長期也能安心使用。不含果糖和蔗糖,更適合糖尿病患使用。胃維持在酸的環境,才能啟動消化及產生對於微生物的防護,但黏膜細胞又需時時在酸的環境下自我防護,所以胃黏膜蛋白防護層的完整性對於胃的健康及舒適感是非常重要的。此款商品適合常因食用咖啡、辣物、炸物所造成的刺激。無果糖固胃方咬碎時會與唾液混合,能直接對胃黏膜產生作用以維護健康。本品不含人工色素、人工調味劑、奶製品、麥膠蛋白、動物性物質、防腐劑、鹽、大豆、小麥、酵母。本品純屬天然,顏色不同純屬自然現象。
Package Quantity:100 tablets/bottle
Dosage and Use: Chew 3 tablets after food in the morning. Chew 3 tablets after food in the evening, or as recommended by your healthcare professional.
Description:Rhizinate® is deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) in a chewable formula for fast, soothing, digestive relief.* DGL has been shown to support the mucosal lining of the stomach and intestines.*
The stomach maintains an acidic pH that helps to initiate digestion and promote microbial defense, yet its epithelial tissues must simultaneously be shielded against harsh acidic conditions. The stomach’s protective mucin barrier must be intact in order to protect stomach health and comfort.
Patients who experience an occasional discomfort after consuming coffee, spicy or fried foods may benefit from supplementing with a plant-based agent such as deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), which has been shown to support the mucosal lining of the stomach and intestines.*
Rhizinate is DGL in a fructose-free chewable formula, which allows it to mix with saliva for direct action on the gastric mucosa.* Rhizinate works by stimulating natural protective factors in the digestive tract that help relieve occasional stomach discomfort.* In Rhizinate, the glycyrrhizin compound contains <1%—which may have a blood pressure-raising effect in some people—has been removed.
Rhizinate® Does Not Contain
artificial coloring/artificial flavoring/dairy products/gluten/ingredients of animal origin/preservatives/salt/soy/wheat/yeast